Djävulen bär Hugo Boss-kostym

Utdrag ur en msn:konversation med min chef:

B: The documents you sent me, are they for the XXX-report or the ZZZ-report?

Min chef: Yes.

B: Yes as in xxx-report or yes as in zzz-report?

Min chef: YES!

Min chef: If you don't understand, come in to my office and I'll explain it to you.

Utdrag ur ett mail fran min chef (man bör veta att vi investerar runt 20 miljoner euro varje manad i olika grejer.) :


We made an investment in Euro a couple of months ago. Please find it and let me know how much we invested and in what.


Utdrag ur en konversation med min chef:

Min chef: - Can you call someone in Mexico and ask about that fee.

B: - What? What person? What fee?

Min chef: - Fine, never mind. I'll do it myself then... 

är det nagon som ser likheten???




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