New arch enemy: Urban Dictionary

När alla andra googlar sitt namn + är, kollar jag mitt namn pa Urban Dictionary. Upplyftande läsning, sa här i slutet av mardrömsveckan.

2. beatrice 35 up, 49 downlove ithate it
 Another word for "bitch." "Get me that hot sauce Beatrice.!" bitch whore slut angry girl tramp
by Buzz Zavoluk Apr 23, 2007 share this

3. beatrice 16 up, 38 downlove ithate it
 a female with many man like tendacies and a serious lack of boobs beatrice(female): ur dick is small
man: yeah compared to the huge thing you have instead of boobs by honkydonky 1991 Jun 10, 2005 share this

4. Beatrice 5 up, 33 downlove ithate it
 girls with the name beatrice, beatriz have a tendency of looking ape like, chimp like, mexican like, niggerish or just plain old fucking ugly. they are tramps and like to ruin every good thing for every person out there. if you see her please stay clear or run them over with your vehicle. :)



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